Omar is a police officer. After the death of his fiancé he suffers great pain. Sibel, Omar's fiancée's body was found on the top of a cliff, in a car next to a fairly old, rich business man. After the shock of her sudden death and the accusations of his love cheating on him, Omar realizes that there is more behind her suspicious murder. He decides that he will do anything in order to find his fiancé's murderer and to prove to everyone that she was not cheating on him. On the other side, Elif, the middle child of three girls of Ahmet and Zerrin, loses her father to a murder where his body was found in the same car as Omar's fiancé. While still grieving after her fathers death, Elif is threatened by dangerous men in order to find millions of dollars worth of diamonds that her father had stolen in order to pay all of his debts that his family were unaware of. After Elif finds out that her father was involved in the 'black money' market industry, she gets involved with her fathers dirty work and pairs with Omar, both of them desperate to find out who is in charge of the murders of both of their loved ones. Little do they know that the leader of the industry is a man who Elif sees as her uncle. A man who knows all of their secrets and a man who is always one step ahead of Elif and Omar. Omar is a police officer. After the death of his fiancé he suffers great pain. Sibel, Omar's fiancée's body was found on the top of a cliff, in a car next to a fairly old, rich business man. After the shock of her sudden death and the accusations of his love cheating on him, Omar realizes that there is more behind her suspicious murder. Kara Para Ask(roughly translated to English as Black Money Love) is easily one of the best Turkish TV series out there. I usually hate Turkish series(I only watched Ezel before this) because they are all the same,based on the same story but just with different characters/locations. Fortunately,I was actually forced to watch this because I was in a hospital and my TV remote didn't work,so i was stuck on just one channel for 8 days. At first I was very suspicious because I had some stereotypes about Turkish TV series,but on the third day I was actually enjoying watching it. So what makes Kara Para Ask stand out in infinite bland of weeping women,endless tea drinking(they even rival the British people :D),and more weeping?<br/><br/>THE GOOD: -Outstanding acting,especially for one Turkish series<br/><br/>Explanation:The two main actors,Omer and Elif,are excellent and believable characters,their role really suits their appearance/style. Even antagonists(Tajar,Metin,miss Nedret)are really good and you actually start to hate them,which is always a sign that they nailed their acting. The only mediocre actress was definitely Nilufer(she is truly annoying as somebody already wrote).<br/><br/>-Gorgeous locations<br/><br/>Explanation:Turkey is really a beautiful country,and this series really make the best of it stand out,with its top-notch camera work.The best thing is that there are actually quite a few locations in the series,as opposed to your usual Turkish series where there is like 3 houses in the whole series :D<br/><br/>-Beautiful soundtrack<br/><br/>Explanation:I fell in love with the sounds and songs of this series.I actually went so far that I downloaded 2 songs from it because they were perfect to play while having,um,some fun with my girlfriend.They really make everything much more compelling and believable.<br/><br/>And I left the best for the end: -Amazing story<br/><br/>Explanation:The story is just a whole new level for the Turkish series.However they didn't even went far from your usual "love wins all" story,they just upgraded it.Instead of some usual characters you really have unique ones,everyone has its own strengths and weaknesses,and when Omer and Elif try to break through some tough times you are really sympathizing with them.The story is not just centered on the love of the two protagonists,its also centered on their families,and even love stories of some minor characters(Metin- Nilufer). All this really makes it stand out.The best thing:they minimized weeping,although some characters just can't do without it(Yes I'm looking at you Nilufer,if your tea isn't sweet enough that's not a reason to cry :D).Without all the tears the series actually just gained on emotional side.<br/><br/>THE BAD:<br/><br/>-Unrealistic violence<br/><br/>Explanation:Although Turkish censorship is pretty strict(no sex scenes,violence,even swearing),they could at least make it more believable by putting more realistic muzzle flashes/gun smoke because its pretty visible that it's fake.Another drawback is that every character holds the gun somehow awkward,even those who should know how to hold it(Omer/Husejin/other police officers). Yet another drawback is totally unrealistic wounds,I mean when you get shot to the head there is really a lot of blood,not just small red blurred dot.I know this ain't Saw or something but that could definitely be better.<br/><br/>-Some kiss scenes were awkward AF<br/><br/>Explanation:Although I know not anybody can make out like me :D a.k.a Casanova style,it's still somewhat expected when 2 people are married that they French kiss instead of your 10 year old kisses.The funniest thing is when Metin and Nilufer are making out because you can clearly see that there is no passion involved and Nilufer acts like she is kissing a Chernobyl boar,and not a human being(I can actually understand that,'cause Metin/Faith is ugly AF :D) But still,could be way better.<br/><br/>-A bit repetitive plot<br/><br/>Explanation:I already told that the story was cool,but after watching it for a while you really get used to all the plot twists and you can easily predict what will happen next.I don't know,maybe it's just me but after episode 40 i almost knew everything in advance.Sometimes you should just make thing go as planned,without any problems.<br/><br/>That's it,thanks for reading! :) Good Turkish TV-drama-series which could've been the best ever - just could but fells short<br/><br/>+ the good:<br/><br/>interesting story none expected plot twists nice camera work, places awesome soundtrack good acting: Tuba Büyüküstün,Tuvana Türkay,Engin Akyürek,Erkan Can<br/><br/><ul><li>the bad:</li></ul><br/><br/>series is too long, things repeat too much drama and crying women Turkish censorship (blurred out action scenes/violence/no sex) bad acting: Bestemsu Özdemir as Nilüfer…just annoying as hell<br/><br/>Resume:<br/><br/>Worth watching, but you gotta have some stamina and patience to watch it till the end, its just too much and too long in some aspects.
Jashans replied
337 weeks ago